

Mariana Online is a interactive and responsive data visualization website of the Mariana Trench. It's primary goal is to be an example that learning can be made more engageing and interesting through design.
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Design Process

1. Research

I began by researching the most common steps high-school students took in their process of writing research papers and found the most common method was searching the internet for information however many preferred video or intertactive formats.

2. Define

Based off my research I learned that high-school aged individuals prefer more interactive or engageing forms of learning rather then traditional text-books. I've also found that many informational websites are outdated and display their information in text-bok format which results in lower retention and engagement. I decided my solution would be to utilize modern design and data visualization to create a more impressionable learning experience.

3. Low Fidelity

After defining my solution I created wireframes and began coding a site template which would allow for easier modifications and implmentations.

4. High-Fidelity

Once I had my template created I began working on creating primary features such as data visualizations, interactive on-scroll elements, and making the site responsive.

5. Test

After successfully implementing my desired content I pushed the site live and tested my code on 3 different web browsers and devices to ensure proper functionality and responsiveness. I then conducted user testing on 12 members of University Faculty and implmented feedback.

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