

EcoWave's goal is to provide an accessible platform and community for beach enthusiasts, local residents, and conservationalists to host and attend environmental clean up events.

Design Process

1. Research

I began my design process by researching my target audiences to gain a better understanding of them. I then used my gathered information to generate User Personas, Problem Statements, and Journey maps so that I could clearly Identify Pain Points.

2. Define

Based off my research I found theres a gap in availability of information and connectivity for beach cleaning initiatives. I decided a community-driven beach cleaning app would address these concerns as well as foster a community approach to environmental awareness among beach enthusiasts, beach locals, and conservationalists.

3. Low Fidelity

After deciding on a proposed solution I created a site map based off the user journey map and began iterative wireframing. I wanted to ensure a sense of community so common social media conventions where essential in this process. I accomplished this by implementing familiar icons and replicating user flows of other popular social media platforms.

4. High-Fidelity

Once final wireframe iterations where complete, I created a style guide to ensure design consistency and began converting my wireframes into high-fidelity mockups. During this phase I also began collecting feedback on a wider scale and implementing necessary changes such as increasing text contrast for accessibility and grid re-alignment.

5. Test

After completeing my high-fidelity mockups I created a prototype of the app to showcase its functions, userflow, and prepared to gather more feedback for further iterations or updates.