

Bankt's goal is to provide users with a quick and conveneient alternative to in-person banks to eliminate the accessibility issues that are associated with in-person banking and allow them to perform common tasks from the conveneince of anywhere.

Design Process

1. Research

My first step in this design process was researching and identifying painpoints within the user journey of bank visits through journey mapping, personas, and user stories.

2. Define

Based off my research I found there is an increasing demand for remote solutions to everyday tasks. Many financial institutions have their own management apps, however they are often outdated which leads to frustration regarding navigation. I decided to create streamlined finace management app which prioritizes scannable information while maintaining key banking features.

3. Low Fidelity

After defining an issue and my solution I created a site map based off the user journey map and began wireframing. After creating several wireframe iterations of my screens I decided on wireframes to take into high-fidelity.

4. High-Fidelity

Once I had my selected wireframes I created a style guide to ensure design consistency and converted my wireframes into high-fidelity mockups.

5. Test

After completeing my high-fidelity mockups I created a prototype of the app to showcase its functions, userflow, and prepare to gather feedback for further iterations or updates.